However, too many don't vote

Brexit is not a Threat

Many 'Captain's of Industry' largely those at the tiller of a sinking ship have been peddling the lie that prices in the shops would rise significantly if the UK leaves the EU without a deal. We would do better to listen to Tim Martin the founder of Wetherspoons, you know, that continually expanding company found on the High Street of nearly every major town in the UK. Tim Martin has not adopted a wait and see policy hoping Brexit doesn't happen. Wetherspoons acted immediately the referendum result was declared and they have started trading with the 168 countries that are not in the EU.

Tim says .......

The only way in which prices for EU imports can rise post Brexit is if the UK government itself decides to impose taxes on them. The EU has no say in the UK's import taxes after we leave.

The result of the free-trade option would be a reduction in prices in shops and pubs, since the EU today charges invisible taxes on wine, rice, coffee, oranges and more than 12,000 other non-EU products. In taking the free-trade path, the UK would not be conducting a wild experiment. It would be following the successful approach of dynamic economies such as Singapore, Switzerland, Israel, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, which have slashed import taxes and prospered.

The scare story approach is bad news for customers of the big four supermarkets, but it is great news for Aldi, Lidl, Iceland, Amazon and other 'disruptors', since they see the benefits of free trade as opportunities, not threats.

The Brexit Timeline

June 2016UK public vote to leave EU
The VoteRegistered Voters: 46,500,001
Turnout: 72.2%
Leave: 17,410,742 (51.9%)
Remain: 16,141,241 (48.1%)
March 2017Government trigger Article 50 with Parliament's approval. Tells EU, UK leaving in two years.
June 2018Parliament approve Withdrawal Act which makes existing EU law UK law. The EU can no longer make future laws for the UK.
 UK Government and EU representatives negotiate the terms of withdrawal.
November 2018Draft withdrawal deal agreed.
If Parliament votes for the dealUK leaves the EU and enters the transition period.
If Parliament doesn't vote for the dealThe UK leaves the EU without a deal.
January 2019UK Parliament rejects the deal.
January 2019MPs seem totally unaware that rejecting the deal means the UK will leave the EU without a deal as per timeline above.
February 2019Parliament instructs Theresa May to re-open negotiations with EU. After two years of wilfull obstruction and non co-operation in the Brexit process MPs have now put their dummies back in and want to play.
 Unsurprisingly, since the EU have a legally binding agreement which they like, they have no intention of re-negotiating.
 Immediately after the referendum the electorate and Theresa May accepted we were leaving the EU. Not so the 400+ MPs who personally never wanted the leave.
Do we or do we not have the MPs we deserve?

Brexit Betrayal

We definitely have the MPs we deserve, after all, it is us who vote for the same people, election after election, providing they are from the correct political party.

At this time, Jan 2019, 70% of people expressed their profound dissatisfaction with the performance of MPs regarding Brexit. We know from experience these very people will vote for the very same parties and consequently, the very same MPs, at the next General Election. Ask any British person to risk their lives for this country and they are bravely queuing to get a gun. Ask the same people to have a change of mind and vote for a different political party and they become headless chickens.

Since the EU Referendum the only MP who has consistently respected the wishes of the British people is Theresa May. MPs know they do not have to represent the nation as we will continually vote for them come what may. When it comes to it, perhaps their arrogance is well founded and they are our betters.

You may ask why we cannot have a Free Trade Agreement with the EU without being in the Customs Union. The answer is, no reason whatsoever. Perhaps nobody asked?

Click here to find out how many countries have FTA's with the EU.

What can we do do when we leave the EU?

Well for a start we can boycott French and German goods. They have stitched us up good and proper. It is now time for this dog to have it's day.

This country is under no obligation to pay a £39 billion divorce bill on leaving the EU, as pointed out in the House of Lords on the 4th March 2017. So why are we paying?

Be under no illusion the reason MPs like the EU so much is because it's a retirement home for failed UK politicians. Which of course means all of them.

Referendum Reminder

By Constituency406 leave242 remain
By Voting Area263 leave119 remain