However, too many don't vote

We have been promised the earth by all Parties. Will Labour deliver?

July 5th 2024

Yesterday was Independence Day in the United States of America, so Americans had something to celebrate but will there be anything to celebrate for citizens of the UK during the next five years.

In the past month we have been promised an awful lot by all political parties. Now the election is over the only promises that mean anything are Labour's promises. The other parties views will count for nothing as Labour has absolute power for the next five years. Will the Parliamentary Labour Party be shakers and movers. If history is anything to go by then the answer is NO! We fear we are in for five years of the same old tired middle class thinking that has led us to this point in time.

The Labour Party's slogan was "Change" but from what to what? The only change we can be sure of is that they are not the Conservative Party. Well they have promised to be the friends of business like the mm..... Conservatives.

We have already heard that the Chancellor, Rachel Reeves only policy for growth is to build a million and half houses in the next five years and ride roughshod over anyone who opposes the plan because Labour knows best. Just like they knew best and tried to ignore the fact, at the last election, that the UK had left the European Union. They still cannot accept the will of the people of the UK on this issue. Desperation never makes for a good bargaining position. The UK will never get a better deal from the EU as they have the whip hand and they know it. Do the Labour Party seriously believe Europe would want us back after the years of trouble we have caused them without serious advantage to the EU.

Keir Starmer loves telling anyone that will listen that his father was a toolmaker. However he never took up the "tools" as he very quickly realised work was not for him so he joined the gravy trains of the civil service and politics. As he will no doubt tell you, he did this to make a difference. A big change for him but no change for us. See how Labour's word of the month "CHANGE" keeps popping up.